The 16 best A/B testing tools and software alternatives to Google Optimize

Does this sound familiar? You spend hours meticulously crafting a landing page for your campaign, perfecting every aspect of the copy, design, images, and page flow. Then you launch the page and wait for the conversions to come rolling in—and wait, and wait, while your analytics dashboard stays as quiet as a silent auction at a mime convention.

Your page obviously didn’t resonate with your audience, but why? What are they looking for?

This is where A/B testing comes in. It lets you dig into what’s working (or not working) so you can make tweaks to your landing page and compare different versions so you can see which one performs better. It’s like having a bunch of tiny focus groups whispering sweet, data-driven insights in your ear.


  1. What is an A/B testing tool?
  2. Why you need an A/B testing tool
  3. What to look for in an A/B testing tool
  4. How to find the best A/B testing tool for your needs
  5. The 16 best A/B testing tools
  6. How you can get the most out of an A/B testing tool
  7. When and why you should choose Unbounce

Google Optimize was a popular tool for A/B testing that many marketers relied on—until September 2023, when it rode off into the digital sunset.

Luckily, there are plenty of other great A/B testing tools that’ll provide the data-driven insights you need to maximize your conversions and hit your performance goals. This blog post will cover some of the most popular tools and help you figure out which one best fits your needs.

Google Optimize is dead. Long live the Google Optimize alternatives.

What is an A/B testing tool?

Simply put, an A/B testing tool is software that transforms a sea of “what ifs” to “what works.” It allows you to focus a data-driven magnifying glass on a specific part of your landing page, creating two variations where just that one part is different, then seeing which variant is more popular. It’s basically like running a controlled science experiment.

Here are the basics of how you use an A/B testing tool:

Step 1: Hypothesis

Consider what you’d like to test to improve conversions—maybe a snazzier headline or a different button color. The tool should help you define clear goals and metrics to measure success.

Step 2: Cloning for conversions

Use the tool to duplicate your website or app, creating nearly identical twins. One version stays the same while the other is the variation, with the element you’re testing being the only change.

Step 3: Splitting traffic

Now comes the fun part—splitting your flow of visitors into two separate streams. Half get the original, half get the variation, and the tool acts like a traffic cop, directing visitors to the right stream.

Step 4: The data deluge

While visitors interact with the two page variations the tool meticulously tracks their activity, gathering data like a squirrel stockpiles nuts.

Step 5: The big reveal

Once enough data is collected, the tool analyzes the data, comparing the performance of both variations and revealing the winner—the one that converted visitors better.

Step 6: The victory lap (back to the starting line)

Now that you’ve identified the winner, you can implement it. But don’t rest on your laurels—repeat the process so you can keep finding ways to increase conversions. Even if your new variation does worse than the original, you’ll still have gained valuable insights that can be applied to future experiments. An A/B testing framework is like a continuous learning loop, helping you optimize your page for maximum conversion magic.

That’s a standard way to conduct an A/B test, but there are many others. Check out this blog post to learn more about the ins and outs of landing page testing.

Why you need an A/B testing tool

You’ve got a very small workload, tons of free time, and no pressure at all to produce results, so why would you possibly need a tool to help you with A/B testing?

Animated gif of man saying you're funny

Okay, you can stop laughing now. You get our point—marketers these days are busier than ever, and are often asked to do more with fewer resources. So it’s a necessity to find tools that not only save you time and effort, but also get the results you (and your boss) are looking for.

A good A/B testing software can help you optimize conversions for landing pages, websites, campaigns, emails, and more by providing the following benefits:

Streamline processes

Forget tedious setups and manual analysis. A/B testing tools can streamline the process, making it easier than ever to design, launch, and analyze tests. With drag-and-drop interfaces and automated reports, A/B testing software can save you a lot of time and effort.

Simplify data analysis

Does data analysis make your brain hurt? Some A/B testing tools feature built-in analytics dashboards that present results in clear, actionable insights. No more squinting at spreadsheets—these tools make understanding user behavior as smooth as scrolling through your favorite social feed.

Preserve SEO

Making changes to your page can affect your search engine rankings, sometimes in unexpected ways. A/B testing tools often come with built-in SEO checks, which you can use to ensure your experiments don’t send your rankings plummeting. Most A/B testing tools also let you set up redirects and control which variations search engines see so you can test with confidence.

Improve efficiency with automation

A/B testing software can automate repetitive tasks, like sending traffic to different variations and triggering tests based on specific conditions. You’ll have more time for strategic planning because you’re spending less time in the prison cells of spreadsheets.

Discover hidden gems

Sometimes small changes can lead to big improvements. Since an A/B testing tool allows you to move quickly and control how much traffic you send to each variation, you can take chances and explore creative options with minimum risk.

Open up A/B testing for all

A/B testing is most powerful when it can easily be used on a regular basis by all team members, rather than just a few experts. Some A/B testing tools are accessible and user-friendly, making it easy to start small, scale as you grow, and unlock the power of data-driven marketing regardless of your experience level.

What to look for in an A/B testing tool

So how do you find the right A/B testing tool to fit your needs? Sadly, there aren’t any dating apps for software tools to help you get the right match (hmmm, there’s an interesting business idea…), but we’ve got the next best thing: a handy list of features to compare to your list of requirements.

Types of available testing

A/B tests are a great place to start, but there are more types of tests that can help you optimize your pages. Look for a tool that supports split, multivariate, or even server-side testing if that’s your jam. 

Ease of use

You could have the most powerful testing tool in the world, but if using the tool feels too complicated, you simply won’t use it. So while you’re searching for an A/B testing tool with the capabilities you need, make sure you also consider the size of your team, how fluent they are with technology, and how easily they’ll be able to use the tool.

Minimal disruptions

Nobody likes a sluggish website, or one that flickers because of split-second redirects. Choose a tool that minimizes impact on page load time and provides a seamless user experience, keeping your visitors happy and conversions flowing.


Not all visitors to your page are alike. Opt for a tool with advanced targeting and segmentation capabilities, so you can personalize tests based on demographics, behavior, and other attributes. (Hey, we know a tool that’s awesome at doing this.)

Data gathering and analysis

Don’t base decisions on incomplete data. Make sure your tool provides reliable results that show you how well you’re progressing towards your goals. You’ll also want to get insightful analysis that can help you update your strategy.

Unified solution

Obviously you’ll want a tool that has the flexibility to meet all your needs, but if you choose a tool that doesn’t integrate with your current tech stack then you’re in for a pretty big headache. It’s also a good idea to future-proof your toolkit by looking for a tool that works with the most commonly-used integrations and platforms like Google Analytics, Salesforce, HubSpot, Zapier, Stripe, Mailchimp, and others. 

Remember, this list is just the starting point. Consider your specific needs, budget, and team’s technical expertise when making your choice.

How to find the best A/B testing tool for you

Bring any two marketers together and sooner or later this question will come up: What’s the best tool to help me do my job?

The simple (albeit unsatisfying) answer is: It depends.

There’s no single tool that’s the perfect fit for every single marketer or marketing team—instead, it’s best to take a close look at what you need, then match that against what tools are able to provide. Follow these steps and you’ll find a tool that fits you better than your favorite pair of jeans.

Know thyself

Take a moment and list what you need: What are your conversion goals? Do you need basic A/B testing capabilities, or are you looking for advanced experimentation options? Budget plays a part too—be realistic about what makes sense based on your approach to A/B testing, including the volume of traffic, number of tests, etc. Pricing models vary wildly, so consider monthly subscriptions (which tend to be cheaper when you pay yearly), pay-as-you-go options, and even free trials. 

Explore more data sources

Don’t just settle for clicks and conversions. Look for tools that gather quantitative and qualitative data, painting a holistic picture of user behavior. Think heatmaps, session recordings, and surveys—the more insights, the better you can optimize.

Look for tech compatibility

Choose a tool that matches your team’s skill set and way of working. Some platforms are drag-and-drop heaven while others require coding know-how, so look for one that empowers your team, instead of frustrating them.

Get good customer service

Even the best tools sometimes need a helping hand. Look for a platform with responsive and knowledgeable customer support, ready to answer your questions and guide you on your testing journey.

Listen to the crowd

Read what other marketers are saying (G2 is a great source of reviews), scour comparison charts, and don’t be afraid to ask for recommendations. Social proof is powerful, and it can help you avoid adopting a tool that ends up leaving a bad taste in your mouth. Also, our list of top tools below will show you which tools are strong in the areas that matter most to you.

Take a test drive

Many A/B testing tools offer free trials, so take advantage of them. Put the platform through its paces, see if it integrates with your existing tools, and most importantly, make sure it feels like a good fit for your team. 

Keep security top of mind

Protecting your data (and the data of your customers) is crucial. Choose a tool with robust security measures and compliance certifications to keep your information safe and sound. Remember, data breaches are no joke—prioritize security from the get-go.

16 of the best A/B testing tools out there

Okay, now it’s time for the main event. Here’s an all-star lineup of popular A/B testing tools, along with the key details you need to decide which one is right for you.

Unbounce: Landing page builder for teams of any size with built-in A/B testing tool

Screenshot for Unbounce A/B testing tool page

Image courtesy of, well, us

Here at Unbounce, we don’t really like to toot our own horn—unless it benefits you. We’ve been helping marketers build landing pages for a long time, so if you’re looking for a landing page builder with built-in A/B testing functionality, you’ve found it.

Key features:

  • A/B testing built-in: Test headlines, buttons, images, and more without coding
  • Versatile testing options: Natively integrated testing, multivariate testing, unlimited page variants, and more
  • Drag-and-drop builder: Build beautiful, responsive landing pages even if you’re not a designer or developer
  • Landing page templates: Choose from a wide range of pre-designed templates to get started quickly
  • AI conversion optimization: Use AI to automatically direct visitors to the best-performing version of a page for that specific audience, maximizing ROI
  • Easy to use: The intuitive interface is great for all marketers, whether you’re a beginner or a tech-savvy veteran

What you can A/B test:

  • Landing pages

This tool is best for:

  • Small, medium, and large businesses
  • Users of any level of technical expertise


  • A/B testing plans start at $112/month (billed annually)
  • 14-day free trial
  • “The A/B testing functionality is superb, with clear metrics on traffic weighting.”
  • “The reporting feature is great and love that A/B tests show confidence levels for you to end your tests.”

AB Tasty: AI-powered A/B testing for ecommerce and enterprise growth

Screenshot for AB Tasty webpage

Image courtesy of AB Tasty

AB Tasty is a robust A/B testing platform with a range of features and AI capabilities. It’s particularly suitable for enterprise ecommerce businesses seeking advanced optimization tools and personalized experiences. 

Key features:

  • Extensive feature set: A/B, split, multivariate, and multipage tests, as well as AI-powered targeting, drag-and-drop editor, advanced segmentation, and server-side testing
  • Visual editor: Intuitive interface simplifies test creation, even for non-technical users
  • Focus on e-commerce: Analyze ROI, gain insights into user behavior, and personalize experiences based on transactional and location data
  • Enterprise companies: Scalable platform with advanced features for complex testing scenarios

What you can A/B test:

  • Landing pages and web pages
  • Mobile apps

This tool is best for:

  • Medium and large ecommerce and enterprise companies


  • Pricing is available upon request

Example G2 reviews:

  • “The ability to test different variations and quickly analyze results has significantly improved the efficacity of our team.”
  • “Easily define data layer events for tracked goals.”

Optimizely: Enterprise-grade A/B testing for power users

Screenshot for Optimizely webpage

Image courtesy of Optimizely

Optimizely is a powerful A/B testing platform built for enterprise-level businesses with high-traffic websites and complex testing needs. It offers a comprehensive suite of features, including web and feature experimentation, content management, and personalization.

Key features:

  • A/B testing options: Run unlimited concurrent A/B, multivariate, and multi-page experiments
  • Visual editor: Intuitive interface lets you build test variations without coding, using drag-and-drop tools and templates
  • Server-side testing: Test changes without impacting website performance
  • Personalization: Deliver personalized experiences to different user segments
  • Omnichannel experimentation: Optimize across websites, mobile apps, and other digital channels
  • Powerful reporting and analytics: Gain insights into your test results and track key metrics

What you can A/B test:

  • Landing pages and web pages
  • Mobile apps

This tool is best for:

  • Medium and large enterprise companies with large websites and complex testing needs


  • Pricing is available upon request

Example G2 reviews:

  • “I like that they implemented new benefit functions for multivariate testing and web experimentation, plus the support is nice because when they solve problems it is done in a friendly way.”
  • “I like it for how easy it is to set up and the online data entry for optimization and testing.”

VWO: Versatile A/B testing for companies of all sizes

Screenshot for VWO webpage

Image courtesy of VWO 

VWO is a popular A/B testing platform with a wide range of features and pricing plans to cater to businesses of all sizes. It offers user-friendly tools for creating and running A/B tests, heatmaps, and personalization campaigns.

Key features:

  • A/B testing: Run A/B, multivariate, and split URL tests
  • Visual editor: Create test variations without coding
  • Server-side testing: Test changes without impacting website performance
  • Personalization: Deliver targeted experiences based on visitor segments
  • Heatmaps and session recordings: Gain insights into user behavior

What you can A/B test:

  • Landing pages and web pages
  • Mobile apps

This tool is best for:

  • Small, medium, and large businesses


  • Plans include free tier and free 30-day trial

Example G2 reviews:

  • “The dashboard is clean and graphics are well explained.”
  • “Testing the campaigns are very easy and you can have the modifications tested while you are changing the configurations.”

Adobe Target: AI-powered A/B testing for enterprise brands

Screenshot for Adobe Target webpage

Image courtesy of Adobe Target

Adobe Target is a powerful A/B testing and personalization platform for enterprise businesses. It offers advanced features like AI-powered personalization, omnichannel testing, and server-side testing to optimize the entire customer journey across web, mobile, and more.

Key features:

  • A/B testing and multivariate testing: Test images, copy, UI, and layout across platforms
  • Visual editor: Create test variations easily
  • Server-side and client-side testing: Test changes without impacting website performance
  • Omnichannel personalization: Deliver personalized experiences across channels
  • AI-powered automation: Automate testing and personalization tasks
  • Integrations: Integrates with Adobe Experience Cloud, Adobe Analytics, and other tools

What you can A/B test:

  • Landing pages and web pages

This tool is best for:

  • Medium to large enterprise businesses
  • Users with technical expertise


  • Pricing is available upon request

Example G2 reviews:

  • “The best part about it is that we can analyse our marketing efforts and dynamically adjust content and offers based on the users’ behaviour.”
  • “Real time data that’s easy to obtain and gain insights, endless number of ways to provide personalized online experiences.”

Statsig: A/B testing for developers and product teams

Screenshot for Statsig webpage

Image courtesy of Statsig

Statsig is a platform designed for developers to accelerate product development and optimize feature management. It offers a suite of tools for A/B testing, feature flags, and data analysis, helping teams experiment with new features, measure their impact, and confidently roll them out.

Key features:

  • A/B testing: Run user-level and device-level experiments with multiple variants
  • Intuitive interface: Easy to use for both technical and non-technical users
  • Feature flags: Manage feature releases with control and rollbacks
  • Data analysis: Gain insights from experiments with pre-computed metrics and advanced analytics
  • Native data warehouse experimentation: No data exports needed—analyze experiment data directly in your warehouse
  • Open-source SDKs: Customizable and transparent code for integration

What you can A/B test:

  • Landing pages and web pages

This tool is best for:

  • Development and product teams
  • Organizations that run large-scale experiments


  • Plans include free tier

Example G2 reviews:

  • “Their Holdouts, A/B/N Experiments, Dynamic Configs & Targeting tools are all well designed & implemented so you can experiment & learn quickly.”
  • “Statsig offers console APIs, allowing for customization and integration with existing systems.”

Dynamic Yield: Advanced omnichannel personalization solutions for enterprises

Screenshot for Dynamic Yield webpage

Image courtesy of Dynamic Yield

Dynamic Yield is a comprehensive platform offering both powerful personalization and advanced A/B testing capabilities. It caters to businesses seeking to transform digital customer experiences across various channels through tailored content, product recommendations, and dynamic offers.

Key features:

  • A/B testing: Client-side and server-side A/B testing for websites, apps, emails, and ads
  • Visual editor: Create test variations and personalize content without coding
  • Personalization: Predictive targeting, product recommendations, content tailoring, dynamic page restructuring across different channels (web, mobile, email, ads)

What you can A/B test:

  • Landing pages and web pages
  • Mobile apps
  • Email
  • Display ads

This tool is best for:

  • Enterprise businesses
  • Users with technical expertise


  • Pricing is available upon request

Example G2 reviews:

  • “The new detailed statistics provide invaluable insights into the effectiveness of ongoing experiments and campaigns.”
  • “The Audience Manager feature in particular has been a big differentiator for us, because it allows us to scalably digest insights from across our traffic, understand different behaviors and preferences, and map that back to our strategies and campaigns.”

Apptimize: Mobile-focused A/B testing for cross-platform optimization

Screenshot for Apptimize webpage

Image courtesy of Apptimize

Apptimize is a platform specializing in mobile A/B testing and feature management, targeting businesses with mobile apps and a cross-channel presence. It helps optimize user experience, engagement, and revenue across mobile, web, and even in-store channels.

Key features:

  • A/B testing: Run A/B, multivariate, and split tests across iOS and Android apps
  • Visual editor: Create test variations without coding
  • Segmentation: Target specific user segments for precise testing
  • Code editor: Implement complex changes with custom code blocks
  • Dynamic variable testing: Experiment with app variables directly from the dashboard

What you can A/B test:

  • Mobile apps

This tool is best for:

  • Businesses with a strong focus on mobile app optimization and cross-platform customer journeys


  • Plans include free tier
  • Pricing is available upon request

Example G2 reviews:

  • “Apptimize has many great functions including a reliable visual testing tool and a powerful programmatic editor with which you can build many testing driven product decisions.”
  • “Ramp tests up, turn tests off, turn tests on. Feature flags. It’s all there and they continue to invest and improve.”

Kameleoon: Unified A/B testing and personalization for enterprise-level optimization

Screenshot for Kameleoon webpage

Image courtesy of Kameleoon

Kameleoon is a powerful unified platform for A/B testing, feature experimentation, and AI-powered personalization. It caters to enterprise-level businesses seeking to optimize user experiences across web, mobile apps, and server-side features. Its focus on data-driven insights, advanced features, and integration flexibility makes it ideal for complex testing scenarios and personalized experiences.

Key features:

  • Web, full-stack, and feature experimentation: Run A/B tests across web, mobile, and server-side environments
  • Visual editor: Create test variations without coding
  • AI-driven personalization: Deliver tailored experiences based on visitor behavior and predictions
  • Advanced targeting: Target specific user segments for precise experimentation
  • Code editor: Implement complex changes for advanced testing
  • Predictive pre-test simulations: Estimate variant performance before launch

What you can A/B test:

  • Landing pages and web pages
  • Mobile apps

This tool is best for:

  • Enterprise-level businesses
  • Users with technical expertise


  • Pricing is available upon request

Example G2 reviews:

  • “Their statistical reporting and tools make it easy to know what’s working.”
  • “I like the reactivity of the consulting and technical teams. They help me build the test roadmap and give accurate recommendations.”

Oracle Maxymiser: Advanced website and mobile app optimization

Screenshot for Oracle Maxymiser webpage

Image courtesy of Oracle Maxymiser

Oracle Maxymiser is a robust website and mobile app optimization tool offering advanced A/B testing, personalization, and real-time behavioral targeting. It caters to large enterprises seeking to optimize user experience, increase conversions, and personalize customer journeys. 

Key features:

  • A/B testing: Advanced A/B and multivariate testing for websites and mobile apps
  • Visual editor: Create test variations and design campaigns without coding
  • Real-time personalization: Deliver personalized content and recommendations based on visitor behavior
  • Behavioral targeting: Target specific visitor segments with relevant messages and offers
  • Heatmaps and in-session data: Gain deeper insights into user behavior
  • Predictive analytics: Target visitors and set triggers for personalized experiences
  • Oracle ecosystem: Integration with other Oracle products and data sources makes it ideal for organizations already invested in the Oracle platform

What you can A/B test:

  • Landing pages and web pages
  • Mobile apps

This tool is best for:

  • Enterprise businesses
  • Organizations already using Oracle products


  • Pricing is available upon request

Example G2 reviews:

  • “Setting up A/B tests was straight-forward and good levels of customer service.”
  • “It allows us to view how much traffic we have, what tactics, ads and designs work best, and generally helps us visualize our data.”

SiteSpect: Powerful A/B testing and optimization for tech-savvy teams

Screenshot for Sitespect webpage

Image courtesy of SiteSpect

SiteSpect is an advanced A/B testing and optimization platform with a strong focus on server-side testing and scalability. Ideal for technically savvy organizations seeking deep data insights, high performance, and secure testing, it offers comprehensive features for A/B testing, personalization, rollouts, and AI-powered recommendations.

Key features:

  • A/B and multivariate testing: Run A/B, multivariate, and server-side tests
  • Visual editor: Create test variations without coding
  • Server-side testing: Test changes without impacting user experience
  • Personalization: Deliver personalized experiences based on user data
  • Feature rollouts: Manage and control feature releases without code changes
  • AI-powered recommendations: Recommend products based on user behavior

What you can A/B test:

  • Landing pages and web pages

This tool is best for:

  • Organizations with complex testing needs and dedicated technical resources


  • Pricing is available upon request

Example G2 reviews:

  • “Sitespect has very powerful tools that help make targeting specific users or pages for your tests.”
  • “I am able to segment my data quickly and efficiently with very little effort. I am also able to easily export the raw datasets for more complex analyses.”

Convert: User-friendly A/B testing for growth and optimization

Screenshot for Convert webpage

Image courtesy of Convert

Convert is a powerful and user-friendly A/B testing tool that excels in conversion optimization and offers a wide range of features. Its intuitive drag-and-drop builder makes it easy even for non-technical users, while the advanced code editor caters to complex needs.

Key features:

  • A/B testing: A/B, split, multivariate, and multipage testing
  • Visual editor: Drag-and-drop interface for easy test creation
  • Segmentation: 40+ audience segments for targeted testing
  • Code editor: Allows you to do complex experiments
  • Reporting: In-depth reports with CRO, ROI, AOV, and result significance
  • SmartInsert: Ensures flicker-free client-side testing

What you can A/B test:

  • Landing pages and web pages

This tool is best for:

  • Small to medium businesses
  • Agencies and CRO experts


  • Basic plan starts at $349/month (billed annually)
  • 15-day free trial available

Example G2 reviews:

  • “Incredibly quick tool providing tons of performance and flickerless A/B testing, all packed in an intuitive UI.”
  • “I loved the flexibility they provide while creating complex experiences like the experiences life cycle events.”

Omniconvert: A/B testing and optimization for ecommerce

Screenshot for Omniconvert webpage

Image courtesy of Omniconvert

Omniconvert is an all-in-one customer intelligence platform with a strong focus on ecommerce. It helps businesses understand, segment, convert, and retain customers. Its user-friendly interface and visual editor make it suitable for both technical and non-technical users.

Key features:

  • Data gathering: A/B testing, split URL testing, and surveys
  • Choose your own editor: Visual editor and code editor for test creation
  • Personalization options: Including pop-ups, recommendations, and more
  • Customer segments: 40+ segmentation parameters
  • Advanced analytics: With Bayesian and Frequentist algorithms

What you can A/B test:

  • Landing pages and web pages

This tool is best for:

  • Medium to large ecommerce businesses


  • Free trial available

Example G2 reviews:

  • “The tool touches on many aspects we care about when analysing and optimising the interface and the many paths the leads take before turning into customers.”
  • “The range of functions is huge. From A/B tests to marketing popups to surveys, everything is possible.”

Crazy Egg: A/B testing and heatmaps for small businesses

Screenshot for Crazy Egg webpage

Image courtesy of Crazy Egg

Crazy Egg is a web optimization platform that offers A/B testing alongside other features like heatmaps, session recordings, and clickstream data. It’s known for its user-friendly interface, visual insights, and affordable pricing. While it doesn’t have the most advanced features, it’s ideal for small businesses seeking to understand user behavior, optimize website layouts, and improve conversions.

Key features:

  • Testing tools: A/B testing and split testing
  • Visual editor: Easily create test variations, no coding required
  • Other ways to gather data: Heatmaps, session recordings, and clickstream data
  • In-depth reports: With Confetti Report and Clickmaps

What you can A/B test:

  • Landing pages and web pages

This tool is best for:

  • Small businesses with limited budgets and technical expertise


  • Plans start at $49/month (billed annually)
  • 30-day free trial available on all plans

Example G2 reviews:

  • “Crazy Egg is very easy to use and we can visualize the activity of the visitors to our website.”
  • “Can also take recordings of actual user experiences on the site, which is very helpful for identifying errors.”

Convertize: User-friendly A/B testing with personalization

Screenshot for Convertize webpage

Image courtesy of Convertize

Convertize is an A/B testing tool offering a user-friendly interface and smart features like Autopilot for traffic management and Hybrid Statistics for reliable results. It emphasizes easy experimentation with no coding required and personalization options for improved engagement.

Key features:

  • A/B testing: Launch A/B tests in minutes, and the library of 150 A/B testing ideas makes it easy to get a running start
  • Visual editor: Drag-and-drop interface simplifies the process of creating page variations
  • Personalization options: Including nudges, social proofs, FOMO messages
  • Autopilot: For traffic management and conversion maximization

What you can A/B test:

  • Landing pages and web pages

This tool is best for:

  • Small to medium businesses looking for a user-friendly tool


  • Plans start at $49/month (billed annually)
  • 14-day free trial available

Example G2 reviews:

  • “Convertize is easy to use, everything is clear there even if you’re not experienced in marketing and using tools.”
  • “Except for placing one line of code on your website, you can do everything without a web developer or IT support.”

Zoho PageSense: Budget-friendly A/B testing and personalization

Screenshot for Zoho PageSense webpage

Image courtesy of Zoho PageSense

Zoho PageSense is an affordable A/B testing and optimization platform with a strong focus on user-friendliness. It offers a visual editor for creating variations, advanced targeting options, and heatmaps for deeper insights.

Key features:

  • A/B testing: Run A/B tests and split URL tests
  • Visual editor: For easy variation creation
  • Personalization: Advanced segmentation options
  • Data gathering: Heatmaps and session recordings
  • Quick insights: Real-time analytics and reporting
  • Push notifications: Based on visitor behavior
  • Zoho platform: Integrates with other Zoho products

What you can A/B test:

  • Landing pages and web pages

This tool is best for:

  • Small and medium businesses
  • Zoho platform users


  • Plans start at $12/month (billed annually)
  • 15-day free trial available

Example G2 reviews:

  • “Zoho Pagesense has features that allow me to monitor exactly what a person is viewing when they’re coming on this page.”
  • “A very good tool to track website performance and understand the user’s engagement with our web pages.”

How can you get the most out of your A/B testing tool?

After you’ve chosen the right A/B testing tool for your organization, you need to build an environment where you can explore the tool’s full potential. That’s why it’s crucial to embed testing into your marketing DNA and make it part of your culture.

Creating a test-first culture means transitioning from “I think” to “I know” by letting data drive decisions. It’s about challenging every assumption, whether you’re testing a popup, CTA, hero image, product description, page design, or even your overall value proposition.

Some marketers might look at A/B testing as an obstacle that slows them down, but the reality is that A/B testing can actually help you move faster in the long run. With decisions driven by data you can advance towards better results with confidence, rather than having to back up and fix issues caused by hunch-based assumptions.

By building a culture of testing and experimentation, you and your team can embark on a journey of constant improvement, growth, and high fives from your boss. Not sure how to get there? You can start by asking yourself (and your team) these questions:

How do you make decisions?

Do your decisions lean more on data or personal opinions? It’s time to evaluate any potential biases. Ensure that data plays a significant role in your decision-making, as relying purely on opinions and assumptions can lead you down some pretty tricky (and potentially hazardous) paths.

How do you feel about testing?

Does it spark interest or reluctance? Investigate these attitudes—perhaps there’s a belief that testing is too expensive or complex and assess if those beliefs are actually true.

How do you react to novel and creative ideas?

When someone presents an intriguing and maybe even risky idea, is there room to experiment or are you pushed towards the tried and true? Consider if a cautious approach is hindering your performance, especially in sectors where competition is fierce.

How frequently do you use testing?

Is testing woven into your daily tasks, or is it more of an afterthought? If testing isn’t deliberately woven into your routine, it probably doesn’t happen as often as it should. Think about how testing can become a natural part of your processes, so it becomes the default rather than a disruption.

By embedding A/B testing into your culture, you not only optimize your landing pages but also empower your team to embrace experimentation, drive creativity, and leverage insights to steer your marketing strategies toward success.

When and why should you choose Unbounce’s A/B testing tool?

Since you’re a smart marketer who understands the value of landing pages, you’ll also see how valuable it is to select a landing page builder that has multiple features built right in. The Unbounce builder is intuitive and easy to use, with an AI-powered copy generator and hundreds of beautifully designed templates to choose from to get you started. After you’ve launched your pages, you can use the built-in analytics to track their performance and see what’s working and what needs improvement.

On top of all that there’s the built-in A/B testing feature, which allows you to set up and execute A/B tests in just minutes. You can tweak, test, and triumph with just a few clicks, all within the same tool that helped you build those gorgeous landing pages. It’s like having your cake and eating it too, but in this case, the cake is your landing pages, and eating it is watching your conversion rates soar.

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Animated gif of woman eating a cake

Mmmm, delicious landing page cake

Time to start testing

We get it—when you’re swamped with a heavy workload, multiple simultaneous projects, and timelines that seem to be getting tighter all the time, the last thing you want to do is add even more onto your plate.

But look at it this way: By adopting an effective A/B testing tool and making testing an integral part of your process, you’ll actually end up saving time and effort in the end. (Yes, seriously!)

To learn more about how you can A/B test without the stress, check out our comprehensive a/b testing ebook. You also might enjoy this webinar, which explores how to master landing page A/B testing for higher conversions.

Ready to make better decisions with confidence? Start testing your way to a whole new level of success.

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