What is the average conversion rate for a landing page?

Imagine you’re at a party, and you’ve just told a joke to a group of people. Everybody laughs, but how many people thought it was truly hilarious, and how many are just being polite while thinking, “Ugh, I need to get out of here”? Wouldn’t it be great if you had a way to know how many fellow party-goers actually loved the joke?

When it comes to landing pages, the conversion rate is the magic indicator that tells you how many visitors are happy to pick up what you’re puttin’ down. And so, by extension, the conversion rate reveals how successful your landing page is at accomplishing what it’s supposed to do.


  1. What is a landing page conversion rate?
  2. How to calculate landing page conversion rate
  3. What is the average landing page conversion rate?
  4. What is a good landing page conversion rate?
  5. Why do different industries have different conversion rates?
  6. Why do you need to know the conversion rate benchmark for your industry?
  7. How to increase landing page conversion rate
  8. How to create high-converting landing pages

What is a landing page conversion rate?

Simply put, a landing page conversion rate is the ratio of visitors who land on your page and complete a specific action (like making a purchase, signing up, or downloading something) to the total number of visitors. It’s the heartbeat of your landing page, giving you a health check on its performance. The higher the conversion rate, the healthier (and more successful) your landing page is.

How to calculate landing page conversion rate

Get your calculator ready because it’s time for some (thankfully simple) math. Here’s the formula for calculating a conversion rate:

Conversions ➗ Total visitors x 100 = Conversion rate (percentage)

For example: If 1,000 visitors visited your newsletter signup landing page and 50 of them signed up, your conversion rate would be 50 ➗ 1,000 x 100 = 5%.

So how do you know if your conversion rate is worthy of high-fives or indicates that you need to start making some improvements? Read on to find out.

Animated GIF of two people exchanging a high five

What is the average landing page conversion rate? 

Before we jump into the average conversion rate for landing pages, it’s important to establish one thing: Depending on which industry you’re looking at, a conversion rate that’s considered “good” in one industry might be substandard in another (and vice versa). So, like in many other things, context matters.

In our Conversion Benchmark Report, we analyzed data across 44,000 landing pages and 33 million conversions and came up with a median conversion rate of 4.3% across all industries. 

What is a good landing page conversion rate?

When you look across different industries as a whole, a conversion rate of 10% or above generally means things are looking pretty bright. But it’s important to keep an eye on your competitors and see how you stack up against them—if your closest competitors are all blowing their conversion rates out of the water, then you’ve got some work to do.

Why do different industries have different conversion rates?

Well, it’s kinda like asking why a comedy movie and a documentary don’t pull the same crowd. Different industries have different audiences, products, and expectations. For instance, ecommerce sites might have lower conversion rates compared to, say, educational sites, due to the nature of their offerings. Industry, audience behavior, and product type all play a part in shaping these rates.

Have a look at the chart below, which shows the median conversion rates by industry (from our Conversion Benchmark Report) and you’ll see what we mean.

Unbounce chart showing median conversion rates across different industries

Why do you need to know the conversion rate benchmark for your industry?

Knowing your industry’s conversion rate benchmark is like knowing the rules of the game before you play. It helps you set realistic goals, understand your competition, and gives you a target to beat.

It’s also a good idea to check conversion rates periodically, both for your landing pages and those of your competitors. Everybody’s always looking for ways to improve, and if you see a competitor who’s absolutely crushing their conversion rate it might be worthwhile to check out what they’re doing and what you can learn from it.

How to increase landing page conversion rate

If your conversion rate isn’t where you want it to be, there’s still good news: By following the guidelines outlined below, you can make changes to your landing page that will boost the chances of achieving your conversion rate goal.

Analyze the current situation

It’s kinda hard to know how to improve a sticky situation if you’re not sure about what’s causing the stickiness in the first place. (Ewww, who put that gum there?) Understanding what’s influencing your current conversion rate is crucial, so dive into the analytics and get a detailed picture of your landing page’s performance. Heatmaps are a helpful tool—they’re like a GPS for your website, guiding you to where users are clicking, lingering, or losing interest.

Identify your value proposition

Your product or service’s value proposition should influence every element of the entire landing page. Identify how it solves problems or improves lives, then use this insight to guide you as you work on improving the landing page. Your value prop isn’t about what you’re selling—it’s about the value your product or service brings to the table.

Minimize distractions

A cluttered page is a conversion killer. Strip down to the essentials and keep your audience focused on the prize. It’s like removing all the hurdles from a sprinter’s track—you want visitors to be able to race straight towards the finish line (the CTA).

Strong, clear call to action

Your call to action (CTA) is your conversion catalyst. Make it bold, clear, and irresistible. If you’re using multiple CTAs, align them towards the same goal. It’s about creating a beacon that guides users to click.

Use social proof to build trust

People like to hear the opinions and experiences of others (remember the last time you browsed reviews for a restaurant you wanted to check out?). By showcasing testimonials, reviews, and endorsements you can build a sense of credibility and increase the likelihood of conversion.

Eliminate friction

Every obstacle on your landing page is a potential lost conversion, so identify and smooth out any potential speed bumps. Make the journey from visitor to customer as seamless as possible. And if you’re not sure if you can see any friction points, ask someone with a fresh perspective and they might be able to identify bumps that you haven’t noticed.

Use a visually compelling design

Your landing page’s design should captivate and hold attention. Use high-quality images, coherent color schemes, and an intuitive layout. It’s not just about looking good—it’s about creating an experience that’s consistent with your overall brand identity. If you’re not strong in the design skills department, don’t fret because you can choose from hundreds of templates to find the one that’s perfect for you.

Craft effective copy

Your words are powerful tools. Write copy that resonates with your audience, addresses their needs, and persuades them to take action. For those who aren’t big fans of copywriting our AI-powered copy generator Smart Copy can fill the gap by generating professional, high-quality content with just a few clicks.

Create a sense of urgency

Limited-time offers or exclusive deals can create a compelling reason for immediate action, prompting visitors to get off the fence and slap that CTA button.

Make your page mobile friendly

In what is rapidly becoming a mobile-first world, your landing page must perform flawlessly on smartphones and tablets. A responsive design ensures a seamless experience for all users and reduces frustration. Remember the last time you browsed a non-mobile friendly page on your phone? Yeah, nobody wants that.

Feed the need for speed

Animated GIF from Top Gun saying I feel the need for speed

A slow-loading page is a surefire conversion killer, so optimize your page’s speed to retain those precious visitors. It’s like keeping the express lane open at the supermarket.

Test, test, and test again

“Set it and forget it” is fine for slow cookers, but it doesn’t work so great for landing pages. Embrace A/B testing to continuously find ways to improve your page. You can also take it to the next level with Smart Traffic, the AI-powered optimization tool that automatically guides visitors to the landing page variant that’s most likely to get them to convert. Just switch it on and you’ll be able to get conversion rates up to 30% on average.

How to create high-converting landing pages

Okay, this is the part where you rub your hands briskly together and say something like, “I’m ready—let’s get’er done!” Here’s how to get started.

Choose a landing page builder

As any carpenter or engineer will tell you, it’s important to have the right tools for the job. When it comes to building high-converting landing pages, we’re naturally kinda fond of our two landing page builder tools, and here’s why:

Classic Builder

This versatile and robust tool is perfect for seasoned marketers who appreciate having granular control over their landing page designs and functionalities.

  • Drag-and-drop functionality: It’s intuitive and easy to use, allowing you to place elements exactly where and how you want them.
  • Customizability: You’ll have access to a vast array of templates and the freedom to tweak every detail, making it ideal for those who love to have complete control over their page design.
  • Advanced features: Classic Builder offers integration capabilities, custom scripts, and detailed analytics for marketers who enjoy diving into the technicalities.
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Smart Builder

This powerful and speedy AI landing page builder streamlines the landing page creation process, making it perfect for those who need to launch campaigns swiftly while still maintaining a high standard of design and functionality. (And if you’d like to see it in action, check out this demo video.)

  • AI optimization: Use AI to suggest page elements and layouts based on industry-specific data, ensuring higher conversion potential from the get-go.
  • Interactive experience: Get a guided approach to building pages, making it ideal for those who prefer a more structured and data-driven design process.

Whether you prefer the meticulous control offered by Classic Builder or the innovative, AI-driven approach of Smart Builder, Unbounce caters to every style of digital marketing. Both tools share the common goal of maximizing conversions, but offer different paths to achieve it. 

10 steps to landing page perfection

For an in-depth and detailed guide to everything you need to know about how to build a landing page, check out how to create a landing page in 10 steps

Go forth and conversion optimize

Now you have everything you need to understand your conversion rate, set a target goal, and improve your landing page conversions. Remember, it’s all about making each visitor count and turning them into happy customers. Use these insights, unleash the power of smart conversion optimization tools, and watch your conversion rates soar to new heights.

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Landing pages