8 winning real estate landing page examples (+ free templates)

Real estate is all about people. Agents need to learn about each individual client to find them the perfect property.

Real estate marketing is no different.

You need to show up with the right message for the right person at the right time.

Sure, that might sound like a tall order—especially when you don’t know exactly who is visiting your website or browsing your listings.

But that, my friend, is the beauty of landing pages.

By creating targeted real estate landing pages for specific audiences, you can present the right message to the right people at exactly the right time.


  1. What is a real estate landing page?
  2. Why do you need landing pages in real estate?
  3. What are the different types of real estate landing pages?
  4. What elements do high-converting real estate landing pages have?
  5. 8 high-converting real estate landing page examples
  6. How to create high-converting landing pages with Unbounce

When someone clicks on one of your ads, finds you through Google, or clicks on a social media post, they’re telling you they’re interested in your offer and giving you some insight into what they’re currently thinking about.

(After all, what you said in the ad or social post resonated enough to get their attention and convinced them to click.)

All you need to do next is show ‘em more of what resonated with a dedicated real estate landing page—and we’re going to show you exactly how to do it (or skip to the end if you want to start building).

Here’s what we’ll cover:

Wanna get straight to the examples?

Skip to the first one and find a little inspiration for your next real estate landing page.

What is a real estate landing page?

A real estate landing page is a dedicated web page built around one specific conversion goal. A landing page is separate from the rest of your website and leads can only access it by clicking on an ad or email link.

Whether you’re looking to drum up leads, build your mailing list, or schedule bookings, real estate landing pages are the best place to send someone who clicks on your ad.

“Why’s that, team?”

Well, because unlike your website or a generic property listing, a real estate landing page is built specifically to match your ad and drive conversions with a relevant call to action (CTA).

Landing pages help you turn visitors into leads, and leads into customers.

Why do you need landing pages in real estate?

If you don’t have real estate landing pages yet, you’re missing out on a whole bunch of benefits. Creating a conversion-oriented landing page will help you:

Maximize your impact on targeted traffic

Think about it:

If someone clicks on an ad for a Manhattan loft and it takes them to your home page, they might feel like you didn’t deliver on your promise—so they bounce.

But if the ad takes them to a dedicated landing page built entirely around booking a private showing of that exact loft, you’ll keep their attention and increase your odds of closing the deal.

Build and grow your email list

With a simple lead generation form and enticing offer, you’ll gather more contact information that’ll make it easier to follow-up and nurture leads into clients.

Showcase properties in depth

Highlight specific aspects of new builds, rental units, or your real estate services that speak to a specific audience. Since landing pages are highly targeted and built around one CTA, you can focus on the details that appeal most to a targeted group of visitors.

Create a sense of urgency

There’s nothing like an exclusive sneak peek at upcoming listings or early access to pre-construction floor plans to get potential clients excited.

Use real estate landing pages to present a time-sensitive offer that wouldn’t make sense to feature on your homepage—all without updating your website.

Accurately measure campaign results.

On a general listing site, you can’t tell how effective your ads are because you don’t have access to those metrics.

With a dedicated landing page, on the other hand, you’ll see where your traffic is coming from and what percentage is converting—so you’ll know exactly how well your ads are performing and can focus on the most effective channels.

What are the different types of real estate landing pages?

There are a ton of use cases for landing pages in real estate. If you have something to offer potential clients—congrats, you’ve got yourself a use case for a landing page.

Here are six of the most common:

Home search landing pages

Potential buyers are looking for help finding a home.

They’ve decided they want to buy (or at least explore the option) and are now trying to find an agent that can help them. A home search landing page is the perfect place to talk about how you help buyers find the right home, what the process looks like, etc.

“Sell my home” landing pages

Potential sellers are looking for help selling their home.

Virtually the same as home search pages, just the opposite side of the coin. You can create landing pages that speak to the questions these potential sellers are likely asking like how long it usually takes to sell, what your process looks like, and how much their home is worth (more on that below).

Home valuation landing pages

One of the first things a potential seller likely does is try to estimate how much their home is worth. Even if a home owner isn’t keen to sell right now, an instant home valuation that spits out a nice looking number can be quite the persuasion technique.

Some of the best real estate landing pages out there are leading with a simple home valuation calculator as the main “offer” on the page. It’s a great way to generate real estate leads while collecting a handful of key data points (like their address) up front.

House listing landing pages

Easily the most common page type on the internet in all of real estate.

These are your traditional listing pages. On the surface, you may not think of a listing page as a stereotypical “landing page” like the others in this list, but when you strip it down to just the bones, each listing page is focused.

One page focused exclusively on one property.

The primary calls to action on the page are typically about booking a showing, with all of the supporting content and context about the property and the market for prospective buyers nudging visitors toward that action.

Appointment booking landing page

The landing page types above are fairly specific, but for any business (real estate included), your “contact us” page is one of the most important pages you can publish.

Here’s the kicker though:

It doesn’t need to take the shape of a boring, old school “contact us” page.

Potential clients don’t want to contact you just to say hello—they want something from you (and that’s totally okay). By creating a more detailed “book an appointment” landing page, you can provide some context up front on what you’re able to help with and give them space to share what they’re looking for from you.

Free resource landing pages

Finally, we have your typical “free resource download” landing pages.

These aren’t real estate exclusive like some of the others, but they can still be just as valuable. The premise for a free resource landing page is simple:

  1. You have a free resource to give away
  2. You create a landing page with a lead capture form
  3. A visitors provides some contact info to download it
  4. You send them the resource

The resource can be pretty much anything—guides, calculators, free tools, recorded videos, virtual tours, etc. Whatever you’re giving away, you can tailor your landing page to “sell” exactly that.

What elements do high-converting real estate landing pages have?

All landing pages need to communicate a unique value proposition that’s closely aligned with the campaign assets driving visitors to your landing page (emails, social ads, etc.), but there are so many more things you can do to optimize for conversion.

1. A compelling “above the fold” section

When you load any page on the internet, whatever you see on your screen before you’ve scrolled is the “above the fold” section. In this case, the “fold” refers to the bottom of what’s visible on screen.

Nailing this section is the most important part of the entire process.

If your content above the fold is weak, visitors won’t give you the time of day to keep trying. You failed to peak their interest, now they’re smashing the back button.

Think of it like this:

If you send an email campaign and the subject line is uninspiring, it doesn’t matter how good the rest of the email is—nobody is going to open it to find out.

2. A strong, catchy headline

So how do you nail your above the fold section?

It starts with your headline.

This should be the most prominent text on-screen when your page loads. There’s an art and a science to writing great headlines, but the simplest way to think about it is this:

Your landing page headline should pique the visitor’s curiosity and give them a clear idea of what you—and your landing page—have to offer.

3. Creative copy with clear language and benefits

Getting clever with your copy can help if executed well, but it’s important to avoid sacrificing clarity for cleverness.

By using clear, plain language to describe a listing, for example, you’re making it easy to understand your offer, setting expectations, and earning the trust of your leads. This is key when providing details like cost, location, and square footage.

4. A transparent and compelling offer

If your offer is compelling, visitors are going to be a lot more likely to take the desired action regardless of which elements do or do not exist on the page. Obviously combining a compelling offer with an optimized landing page is the ideal scenario here, but nailing the offer itself is key.

Keep in mind though—yes, you want clients to get excited about a property or your services, but it’s just as important to be transparent with your offer. Be careful not to fall into the trap of over-promising or using shady marketing tactics in the pursuit of the almighty conversion.

5. A single call to action

The one thing every landing page needs is a call to action (CTA).

You have to tell visitors what to do next.

  • Is there a form to submit?
  • A button to click?
  • A phone number to call?

Your CTA should always support your overarching conversion goal for the page, so start by thinking about what you want to achieve with a particular campaign.

For instance, if your main goal is to generate new leads within a specific house-hunting budget, your CTA might ask visitors to answer a few questions about their down payment (and request their contact information).

Or, if you’re looking to book more appointments, you might encourage leads to select a time slot from your calendar and submit their phone number.

Whatever the case, craft a single call to action that supports your conversion goal.

6. High-impact visuals or videos

Real estate is all about selling a vision—so give your visitors something to feast their eyes on. Use visual content to show visitors what you have to offer.

Include lots of appealing images, like professional photos of properties, videos and virtual walkthroughs, and even GIFs (perhaps to showcase a panoramic view or preview your real estate tech).

7. Genuine social proof

Who better to convince leads to work with you than your already-satisfied clients?

In fact, including online reviews on your landing pages can raise conversion rates by as much as 270% according to Northwestern University’s Spiegel Research Center.

Use genuine reviews and client testimonials to highlight your reputation and build credibility. Reputation and trust are everything, especially in the real estate industry. Showcase the positive outcomes you’ve helped your clients earn in the past.

8 high-converting real estate landing page examples

Now that you know the basics behind creating a higher-performing real estate landing page, let’s get into some examples that show these principles in action.

1. Opendoor: Sell your home

Our first example is from Opendoor with a landing page for selling your home.

The main call-to-action they’re pushing above the fold is to enter your address to get a free offer from Opendoor. They’ve also used reputable logos and reviews early on in the page as well to build credibility right away.

As you scroll down, the page has sections for:

  • How the selling process works
  • Social proof to back up their credibility
  • FAQs about the process

One of the main ways they’re driving visitors to this page as well is through Google Ads. For example, when you look up “how much is my home worth” in Google, this Opendoor landing page shows up.

Because they’re targeting searchers who are actively looking for what the value of their home could be, they’re able to structure the landing page to align nicely with that question.

What you can learn from this landing page example

Two big takeaways from this Opendoor example:

  • Social proof: Especially in real estate, trust is everything. For many home buyers or sellers, they’re preparing to make one of the biggest transactions of their lives. Opendoor is using logos, real reviews, and offer volumes as credibility stamps.
  • Keep it simple: The page isn’t cluttered with copy and clashing ideas. It’s solely focused on getting a real offer and selling your home through Opendoor.

2. RedFin: Sell your home

Our second example is a similar type of page—selling your home—this time from RedFin.

Above the fold, they’re keeping it simple with a clean heading, simple subheading and one primary action—typing in your address.

They’re using visual hierarchy to draw your eyes to the main heading where they’re leading with their main value proposition—selling your house for “top dollar” while saving on fees. From there, they naturally carry you down to the red button.

When you scroll, they have an interactive calculator to see how much you could save as a seller by using Redfin:

Then underneath the calculator, they have a simple comparison chart to illustrate how they’re different from a traditional agent.

We’d love to see one more high-contrast call-to-action section at the bottom of the page that restates the primary value proposition from the above the fold section, but it’s clear they opted for the minimalist approach.

What you can learn from this landing page example

One big takeaway from this Redfin example:

  • Choose a message and stick to it: The entire page is focused on how sellers can save on fees if they choose Redfin rather than a traditional agent. By focusing entirely on that one theme, they don’t fall into the trap of “watering down” their message by adding a ton of less relevant secondary benefits.

3. Redfin: House listing page

Another example from Redfin that’ll feel more traditional for real estate agents are their individual property listing pages.

Yes the structure is less traditional than what you may picture when you think “landing page” but the core premise of a landing page is still present:

One page focused on one call to action.

In this case, it’s getting the visitor to enquire about the property.

There’s more supporting content and information than their “sell your home” page, which means more bells and whistles on the page too, but the most prominent button above the fold is still the red “Request showing” CTA button on the right side.

As you scroll, the main CTA becomes “sticky” to keep it visible at all times:

The page itself is fairly long since they speak to all of the granular details of the property, the neighborhood, local comps, average sale prices, and more. But the spotlight is still focused on the one action—request a showing.

One piece we’re big fans of is the interactive payment calculator. Yes, most real estate listing pages have some version of this, but Redfin’s is simple and well-designed.

Looking at Redfin’s active Facebook and Instagram ads as well, they have hundreds of campaigns active that all drive traffic to these listing pages with a similar call to action—come see the property.

What you can learn from this landing page example

One big takeaway from us here:

  • More content doesn’t have to mean more complexity: These listing pages have a ton of content on them, but they’re still able to keep the “request showing” CTA front and center throughout. It would’ve been easy to create individual calls to action for every single sub-section of the page, but they didn’t fall into the trap.

4. HomeLight: Home value estimator

The next example is also a home value estimate-focused page from HomeLight.

Sticking with the trend here—they’re keeping it simple above the fold.

  • One main heading
  • One main CTA
  • One big photo of a home

We’re big fans of the subtle touches here too.

First, they’re using the small subtext under the form field to set expectations for the visitor that they’ll get their estimate in under 2 minutes.

It may seem small, but we’ve all filled out a form at some point only to land in a ghost town for hours (sometimes days) on end without getting the “payoff” that was promised. They’re addressing that mini hesitation right away, which decreases the friction for the visitor.

Second, they have a rotating “notification” in the bottom right corner that shows recently sold homes. Also a small touch, but a good one for adding an extra bit of social proof. Just make sure the data is real if you plan to use a similar tactic.

As you scroll, the page hits on how the process works and what next steps you should expect. They’re also showing a screenshot of what the report itself looks like, which we always love to see on a landing page.

Want to up the perceived value of what you’re offering?

Show them what it looks like.

Simple and effective, and it’ll only take you an extra two minutes to add.

Underneath those sections they’re including FAQs, reviews and testimonials, and a phone number for those that’d prefer to call. All pretty standard sections, and for good reason.

Then at the bottom of the page, they added the high-contrast CTA we was hoping to see on the first Redfin page:

Nothing complex, just a final pathway toward the desired action.

What you can learn from this landing page example

Overall, this page is solid. One big thing to call out in particular:

  • Setting “post-conversion” expectations: They’re telling visitors what’s going to happen after they take the action the page is pushing them toward. It may feel small, but letting the visitor know what to expect immediately after they fill out the form can increase the likelihood of them actually taking the action. We naturally like instant gratification and want that estimate right away. HomeLight makes it clear that’s exactly what will happen.

5. Luxury Apartments Chicago: Apartments for rent

Another approach that’ll be a great fit for apartment owners or real estate developers is the property landing page concept.

This specific example is from Luxury Apartments Chicago.

Above the fold, it’s all about the property itself.

  • Photos of the building and amenities
  • Price ranges for each unit type
  • The property name and address
  • A CTA to reach out about availability

They do have two different CTA buttons visible which can lead to some confusion. Even though both calls to action ultimately lead to the same destination (an embedded TypeForm to get in touch), the CTA button text being different can cause visitors to hesitate on which action they should be taking.

Scrolling down, they’re highlighting unit features and building features.

We’re huge fans of the icons as well, especially below the fold.

As visitors scroll a page, it’s normal for them to skim the page using a few common text scanning techniques like the F-pattern.

These icons create something for their scanning eye to lock on to—like the images of the cat or dog if they own a pet. Or the bike if they own a bike and were worried about where to store it.

At the bottom of the page they also talk up the neighborhood with a map to show it’s close to downtown, an example weekend schedule, and a secondary CTA to explore the neighborhood further. Creating simple neighborhood guides are a great way to nudge visitors even closer toward reaching out.

What you can learn from this landing page example

Two primary takeaways from this page:

  • Build your pages with “skimmers” in mind: Use visual “anchors” like icons, bolded headings, images, and high-contrast colors to give visitors something for their eye to subconsciously lock onto.
  • Keep your primary CTA consistent: Using multiple buttons to reach the same destination throughout the page is a good thing, but make sure those buttons don’t confuse visitors. For example, if the “Get started” button said “Get in touch” or “Contact us” to align with the first CTA above the fold, there’d be zero confusion here. Instead, it just introduces a tiny amount of extra friction.

6. Sundae: Sell your home

The next example from Sundae is promoting their “sell as-is” service.

Above the fold, they do a great job of making “the main thing” as clear as possible—sell your home quickly, for a good price, without needing to do any repairs or updates yourself.

  • The primary heading is short and punchy
  • The secondary heading relays the same message but with more depth

Scrolling down, the next section talks about their “Sundae Promise” that just keeps the same themes going. Sell as-is. Sell for a good price. Sell on your time.

From there, they share some reviews. There’s two things we love about how they’re approaching this section:

1. Big photos and faces

Including some form of social proof on a landing page is a must—won’t be any arguments there. But it isn’t always the actual words that do the talking. Sometimes visitors just want to see real pictures of real people on the page. Building on the idea of creating “anchor points” for skimmers, photos like these are another great way to do it.

2. Pulling out a snippet of the quote

Most testimonials follow the 80/20 principle, where 20% of the “output” drives 80% of the impact. In this case, that means 20% of the quote drives 80% of the impact.

For example, in the first review—the most impactful section of the quote is that it “took the burden of selling off” the home owners. So why not extract that line, bold it, and make it stand out the most? You can still include the full quote underneath too.

What you can learn from this landing page example

Lots of nice small details here, but our big takeaways are these:

  • Make the main thing the main thing: This landing page does a great job of staying focused on their main value proposition—a simplified process for selling a home. They aren’t introducing dozens of semi-related benefits or ideas along the way.
  • The 80/20 principle, applied to testimonials: Just because you have a review that’s 200 words long doesn’t mean you must only use the entire thing verbatim. As long as you’re not extracting snippets wildly out of context, pull out the 5-10 words that pack the most punch and make them skim-friendly.

7. Flyhomes: Buy before you sell

Next is a landing page from Flyhomes focused on buying before you sell.

There’s a lot of positives with this page. The Flyhomes team did a fantastic job!

First things first, their above the fold section is clean and clear.

  • Bright photo of a happy family to create positive emotions
  • A crystal clear heading to communicate what the page is about
  • A two-line subheading that expands on the idea
  • Social proof above the fold in the form of big logos, sales volume and an A+ rating
  • One straightforward call to action

As you scroll down the page, the copy keeps up the momentum.

The next section hits on the common pain points visitors are likely up against, and digs into the primary value propositions for what they’re offering—eliminating multiple moves, improving buying power, and selling for a healthy price.

Then they’re simplifying the process down into three basic steps.

For complex services or products (like real estate can be), we love this approach. Potential clients are likely already feeling overwhelmed to some extent, trying to plan for the move, sort out their finances, find a new home, fix up their current home—the list goes on.

Here, Flyhomes simplifies the entire thing on the surface.

  1. Plan your budget
  2. Buy your home
  3. Move in, then sell

Finally, they’re using a video testimonial (along with text-based reviews) to lean into the storytelling and human side of the entire real estate and selling process.

What you can learn from this landing page example

Overall, this landing page is excellent. Here are the big takeaways:

  • Lay out the process in simple terms: Buying or selling a house is complex, as you well know. There’s a ton of moving pieces and it’s easy for buyers or sellers to get overwhelmed. Use your landing page to manage that overwhelm and show visitors how you’re able to simplify the entire thing for them.
  • Collect video testimonials: Yes, keep asking for written testimonials. But for some clients that you know were over the moon with the outcomes you helped them achieve, why not ask for quick video testimonials? You don’t have to work with a video production studio every time either. A simple “iPhone front camera” video where a couple or family tells a story can be just as (if not more) impactful.

8. Zillow: Find a local agent

The next example comes from a heavy-hitter in the real estate space, Zillow. This page is focused on the benefits of working with a local agent.

Overall, Zillow’s keeping the page short and simple.

Above the fold, they have all of the core elements you’d expect—a big headline with more detailed copy and a high-contrast button underneath.

A positive start.

As you scroll, things do start to veer from the main focus—finding a local agent—a little bit. The next section has three cards that each link out to articles. Each are helpful resources in a vacuum, but because they’re using the same button formatting as the main call to action above the fold, Zillow’s risking “watering down” the page itself.

Compare this structure to the example earlier from Sundae, who did a great job of keeping the main thing the main thing.

Knowing the authority and credibility Zillow as a brand has in the real estate industry, we’d also love to see more social proof. They could replicate the approach Flyhomes took above the fold by leaning into their sales volume numbers and potentially showcasing some of the five star reviews we’d assume they have.

What you can learn from this landing page example

It’s always interesting to look at what the giants are doing. In this case, two big takeaways:

  • Simple isn’t a bad thing: Landing pages don’t always need to be 3000+ word novels to convert. You can start small and simple and experiment with more over time.
  • Play to your strengths: Zillow already has a massive amount of brand recognition and credibility in the real estate industry. We would’ve loved to see them lean in even further on this. If you think you have an edge somewhere—lean in. Big social following? Show it. Good at video content? Add a video. Lean in.

How to create high-converting landing pages with Unbounce

Creating your own real estate landing pages doesn’t have to be as complex as it may seem. You can actually manage the entire process directly within Unbounce.

Here’s how to get started:

1. Sign up for a free trial

You can start a free 14-day trial with Unbounce in minutes. You’ll be inside the platform, ready to build your first custom landing page before your morning coffee gets cold.

2. Start with a pre-built real estate landing page template

Unbounce users have built up a collection of hundreds of proven landing page templates for you to start with, including dozens of real estate-specific pages.

Skip the blank page paralysis and start with a customizable landing page template.

3. Customize the page to fit your brand and value propositions

Now time to put everything you’ve learned from this guide into practice. Work on the main headline, the visuals, your call to action, the social proof—all of it.

Make the page your own (but make it easy with templates)!

4. Build an A/B test variant and hit publish

One element of landing page optimization we didn’t hit on in-depth here is A/B testing.

To over-simplify the concept, A/B testing is when you create two different variations of the same page to see which version performs the best. You can test headlines, color schemes, calls to action, page structure—anything.

In Unbounce, you can spin up an A/B test in minutes. Before you go live with your new landing page, create as many variations as you want to test out elements on the page. It’s super easy to do and could result in a nice bump in conversions.

Don’t miss out on the latest industry trends, best practices, and insider tips for your marketing campaigns

5. Add links to your new page from your website and ad campaigns

Once your landing page is published, weave it into your marketing efforts.

  • Add links to it from your website if you have one
  • Share it on your social accounts (or pin it to your profiles)
  • Work it into your ad campaigns if you’re running them

There’s an infinite number of ways to drive traffic to your landing page, so get creative!

Go deeper on landing page optimization

If you’ve reached this point, you’re already taking massive steps in the right direction to get more real estate leads, book more showings or appointments, and get more results.

So why not go even further?

We’ve been publishing in-depth guides on landing page optimization, A/B testing, conversion rate optimization, copywriting techniques and more for over a decade.

Here’s some of our best to dig into next:

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