How to create stellar product landing pages, with 8 examples to follow 

Ever had that feeling of stumbling across a product online and quickly getting completely swept off your feet by it? One minute you didn’t know this thingamajig even existed, and the next you’re racing to add it to your cart. It’s exactly what you need, it’s exactly the right price, and oh look, it even comes with a bunch of extra thingamajiggy features you didn’t know you wanted, but now you’re pretty sure they’ll completely change your life.

When you get these kinds of feels about a product online, there’s a good chance you’ve landed on a product landing page at some point in your browsing journey. When done right, product landing pages are insanely powerful sales tools that can turn a consistent percentage of your site visits into steady sales.


  1. What is a product landing page?
  2. Landing page vs product page: what’s the difference?
  3. The essential elements of a product landing page
  4. Why do you need a product landing page?
  5. Product landing page design best practices
  6. How to create a product landing page
  7. 8 product landing page examples

Ok, maybe we’re hyping up their selling power here, but only a little. While they obviously don’t turn every site visit into a sale, well-designed product landing pages that are tailored to the right audience at the right time can, in fact, sweep visitors off their digital feet.

Like anything else in marketing, there’s both an art and a science to doing this effectively. In this post, we’ll look at how you can build product landing pages that attract, engage, and convert.

What is a product landing page?

Before we dive into the deep end, let’s define the basics. What is a product landing page, exactly?

A product landing page is a specialized type of web page that has a singular purpose: to convert incoming traffic that’s sent its way and sell the absolute bananas out of a specific product. Even bananas.

Minions banana animated GIF

Unlike standard product pages—which are broadly informative for users in any stage of the purchasing journey—product landing pages narrow a visitor’s focus for a deeper look at a product’s features, benefits, and the reasons why it’s a must-have. 

In this sense, a well-designed product landing page is really the digital equivalent of an artfully delivered, targeted, and precise IRL sales pitch—just with 100% less in-your-face sales guy to deal with.   

Landing page vs product page: what’s the difference? 

There isn’t really a substantive difference between a landing page and a product landing page. They’re often used interchangeably as terms, and most of the time either/or works just fine. 

For instance, let’s say you’re planning the marketing strategy for your company’s latest and greatest doohickey and you write “create a landing page” on the whiteboard as an action item. Nobody’s gonna cut you off and say “Well actually, we need to create a product landing page, not just a landing page 🙄.” 

(In the rare chance this does happen, we recommend responding with a dramatic staredown—don’t say a word, just lock eyes and wait ‘em out. Works every time.) 

Vin Diesel staredown animated GIF

All that being said, there is a subtle difference between the two if you really want to get technical. While landing pages aim to convert visitors into leads or customers, not all of them are selling a product. For example, some landing pages might be promoting a service, event, or newsletter. 

Product landing pages, on the other hand, are exclusively focused on selling a product. It might be a physical product, digital product, or even a set of products. But selling a product is always the star of the show.

And when we say “product,” it doesn’t have to be limited to an actual physical doohickey that you can hold in your hand. Product landing pages can also sell services, software, memberships, online courses, and more.

The essential elements of a product landing page 

Just like baking a cake, when you’re creating a product landing page you need to include some essential ingredients—otherwise the whole thing might come out of the oven looking like an oversized cupcake that was left out in the rain. 

To stretch the analogy even further, if you want your product landing pages to sell your products like hotcakes, they’ll need to have: 

1. Compelling copy

Headlines might be the most important ingredients to consider. This is especially true for your H1, since it’s the first thing most visitors to the page will read and in a split second it will help the visitor decide to stay or bounce off. If the H1 does its job and a visitor’s interest gets piqued, the rest of the copy above the fold is likely what’s going to pull them further down the page to learn more. 

Your copy also needs to highlight the product’s features, but don’t just stop there. Include benefits that sing “This product will make your life better because…” It’s like telling someone not just that the cake is chocolate, but that it’s a rich, Belgian chocolate experience that will dance on their taste buds and light up their day.

If copywriting isn’t part of your wheelhouse, no problem—Smart Copy is an AI-powered copy generator that can fill your product landing pages with enticing, picture-painting details with just the click of a button.

2. Powerful design

Let’s talk aesthetics. A good design with high-quality images is like the plating of your dish—it needs to be inviting and mouth-watering. Consider adding videos or animations if they complement your product.

And it’s not just about the product images—the overall design of a product landing page should be attractive and consistent with your brand. Focus on creating a design that is not only pleasing to the eye but also establishes a visual feel that invites the visitor to keep scrolling.

Need some help with design? Feel free to browse through hundreds of landing page templates and choose the one that’s perfect for you.

3. Social proof

Next, bring in the cheerleaders—your satisfied customers. Reviews and testimonials are as valuable as (digital) gold because they build trust faster than you can say “Add to Cart.” Display them proudly; they’re your product’s standing ovation.

4. Pricing details

Make your pricing as clear as a summer’s day—no one likes to go hunting for the price or get surprised at the checkout. If you can, throw in a sweet deal or discount and watch those conversion numbers rise faster than a hot air balloon.

5. FAQ

The humble FAQ section is the unsung hero of decision-making. This is where you tackle those pesky doubts and questions head-on. Think of it as your customer service rep, always ready with a helpful answer. A well-crafted FAQ section can turn a “maybe” into a “yes, please!”

6. CTA

Your call to action (CTA) isn’t just a button—it’s your “Buy Now” siren call. Make it bold, make it big, and make it irresistible. It should be the easiest step on your page, like slipping into a pair of comfy slippers.

Each of these elements work together to create an effective product landing page that converts. If you’re missing even just one of these, chances are the page’s performance will suffer. 

Why do you need a product landing page? 

If you’re an ecommerce professional who cares about increasing conversions and making sales, then you should care about product landing pages, because they can be conversion machines. 

(And hey, if you’re an ecommerce professional who doesn’t care about increasing conversions and making sales, well, that’s cool. Sort of?)

Anyway, the reasons why product landing pages are so great for conversion aren’t all that surprising. For starters, they showcase a product’s features and benefits in an efficient and compelling way. 

They also keep a visitor’s attention squarely focused on the product and offer, instead of distracting them with secondary links or options. Best of all, they usually match a visitor’s interest in the product or product category, since they probably already clicked an ad or social media post teasing what the product offers. 

Add it all up and you have a page designed from top to bottom, to capitalize on someone’s need for (or interest in) a product just like yours. It’s a match made in marketing heaven. 

TL;DR if you’re trying to sell a product online, a product landing page is your best option. 

Product landing page design best practices 

The overall design of your product landing page can make or break its effectiveness. If you want to increase your chances of nailing it the first time around, follow some of these best practices to turn it into the Ryan Gosling of product landing pages—in other words, something that performs as good as it looks. 

Ryan Gosling animated GIF

1. Essential elements

Earlier in this post we covered all the must-have elements that should be part of any self-respecting product landing page. Feel free to review that list before you keep reading.

2. Make it user-friendly

A great product landing page is one that’s easy for users to navigate, find the information they need, and take action. A clean layout, logical flow, and intuitive navigation enhance user engagement in a big way. 

3. Optimize for mobile

With more than half of all global web traffic now being conducted on mobile devices, your product landing pages simply have to be optimized for mobile. Since more and more people these days are shopping on their phones and tablets, failing to make your pages mobile-friendly means potentially losing out on over half of your customers. 

4. Check your load speed

It’s no secret that slow sites lead to fast bounces. A quick-loading product landing page is essential to keep potential customers around long enough to get their interest piqued enough to keep exploring below the fold. Optimize images and videos for the web and consider using a content delivery network (CDN) to improve load times.

5. Keep your messaging consistent

The messaging on your product landing page should align with that of your advertising campaigns or any pre-click experiences the user might have arrived from. This consistency reassures visitors they’ve come to the right place to purchase and reduces potential frustration. For instance, if your ad highlights the eco-friendly features of the product, your landing page should prominently feature and expand upon this aspect.

6. Think about readability

Choose fonts that are easy on the eyes and ensure the font size is appropriate for reading on both desktop and mobile. Use headers effectively to structure your content and make it skimmable. Bullet points can be a great way to break down product features or benefits clearly and concisely. 

7. Refine your CTA

Make the path to purchase as straightforward as possible. Your CTA should be prominently placed and easy to find. But putting your CTA in a direct line of sight is only half the battle. Refining the message in your CTA (and immediately around it) is the other half. You can do this by conducting qualitative testing with user testing groups in your key demo, as well as with A/B tests of different messaging variants

8. Follow SEO best practices 

While SEO is often considered a broader website strategy, ensuring your product landing pages are optimized for search engines is crucial. Use relevant keywords naturally in your copy, optimize your meta tags, and ensure your images have descriptive, keyword-rich alt tags. This not only helps in driving organic traffic but also enhances the overall user experience.

9. Meet accessibility standards 

Ensure that your product landing page is accessible to all potential customers, including those with disabilities. This means considering elements like text size, color contrast, and alt text for images. Accessible design not only broadens your potential audience but also reflects well on your brand’s values.

10. Stay true to your brand 

The visual appeal of your product landing page should align with your brand identity. This means using the colors, fonts, and imagery that reflect your brand and appeal to your target audience. Doing this helps build and maintain trust with online shoppers, as anything less can come across as unprofessional or even untrustworthy. 

11. Let data lead the way 

Use analytics and user feedback to continually optimize your landing page. Heat maps, for instance, can show where users are clicking and how far they are scrolling, helping you understand which elements are working and which aren’t. A/B testing different design elements can provide insights into what resonates best with your audience. 

You can also explore an AI-powered conversion optimization tool like Smart Traffic, which automatically sends visitors to page variants where they’re most likely to convert and can boost conversions up to 30% on average.

How to create a product landing page 

As we mentioned earlier, creating dynamite product landing pages is both an art and a science. But that doesn’t mean you need to break out your favorite set of watercolors or throw on a lab coat—instead, just follow these steps.

Keep calm and use a landing page builder 

With the right tools at your disposal you can build, iterate, test, and refine quickly and without any hard coding skills. We’re obviously kinda biased but we feel Unbounce’s Classic Builder and Smart Builder are two of the best options around.

What makes them so good? The short answer is they’re intuitive, powerful, versatile, and used by more than 15,000 brands to build landing pages. The longer answer? Well, we could rattle on about this for days but we’ll try to keep it succinct: 

Classic Builder: easy to use, with total control 

Classic Builder is for marketers who like to roll up their sleeves and have total control over what they’re building, but without getting bogged down in the process. The drag-and-drop editor makes creating and iterating a breeze, while custom-code functionality means you can still fine-tune your page to fit your precise needs. 

Smart Builder: speedy and simple

If you’re feeling the need for speed instead, Unbounce’s Smart Builder is an AI-powered landing page builder that can help you create a page from scratch in minutes. All you need to do is answer a few prompts and AI will do the rest, instantly generating a page for you to review, revise, and edit or adjust as needed. 

Want to see it in action? Watch this video to see how Smart Builder was used to create a seasonal landing page campaign in minutes.

How to build a landing page, step-by-step

Need a deeper dive on the ABCs of creating a landing page that works? This step-by-step guide will show you everything you need to know, from how to set a campaign goal to testing and optimizing your page after you hit publish. 

8 product landing page examples 

Okay, now that you know how to create product landing pages that sell, let’s take a peek at some homerun examples. 

You can use these as inspiration to think about how you can create pages for your site or products, or you might even find an idea or two to steal and make your own. 

Skylight (single product landing page) 

Landing page example from Skylight
Image courtesy of Skylight. Click to see a bigger version.

Skylight is a physical digital calendar that aims to streamline family organization and time management. It’s a smart little product that solves a universal problem for busy families: Complicated schedules that are next to impossible to keep straight. Soccer practice on Tuesdays, dance practice on Thursdays, Nana picks up the kids from school on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and so on. IYKYK, right parents? 

With all that to work with, the Skylight team hit all the right notes on their landing page. Their messaging and visuals speak directly to busy parents, even emphasizing that the calendar is so simple the kids can use it too. 

Why we love it: 

  • Persuasive messaging that targets the pain points of busy parents 
  • Clear and simple layout that’s easy to scan in seconds 
  • Oodles of social proof to back up their claims 
  • Comparison chart of competing products 

Oura Ring (multi-product landing page) 

Landing page example from Oura Ring
Image courtesy of Oura Ring. Click to see a bigger version.

Oura Ring’s main product landing page doesn’t just cover a single item. Instead, it showcases their entire range of rings by highlighting what’s so unique about them—namely, that they use smart technology to track your sleep, health, and fitness activity. Think fitness tracker, but instead of a band or watch, it’s a stylish ring.

What’s really interesting about Oura Ring’s product landing page is how little emphasis it places on the style and fashion of their products. You’d think this would be a differentiating factor from fitness bands and watches that the Oura Ring team would want to highlight. Instead, the content of the page is mostly focused on explaining how the technology is on par—or even superior—to bands and watches, with messaging like: “Your finger provides the most accurate reading for over 20 biometrics like heart rate, body temperature, blood oxygen, and more.”

Why we love it: 

  • Stylish page design and aesthetic encourages exploration 
  • High-quality images and graphics showcase the rings and underlying tech 
  • Direct messaging avoids hyperbole and subjective takes on style 
  • Big time social proof: “One million members (and counting)” 

Notion (software product landing page) 

Landing page example from Notion
Image courtesy of Notion. Click to see a bigger version.

Notion probably doesn’t need much of an introduction. It’s the notetaking and collaborative digital workspace everyone either loves or hates, and passionately so. No matter what your feelings about it are, Notion’s product landing page is something to cherish, drool over, study, and maybe even steal some ideas from. 

The big highlight is a variety of simple interactive visuals that give you instant previews of what the product is, the features it offers, and how it works. By the time you’re halfway down the page it feels like you’ve already had a lightweight product demo, all in a matter of seconds. The simplicity of the page and product previews align with the barebones nature of the product itself as well, which is a great touch. 

Why we love it: 

  • Interactive visuals that show off the product, almost like a demo 
  • Big bold headlines that make the content easy to scan and skim 
  • Social proof from big companies and individual users 
  • Overview of community resources that show an endless range of uses 

Justin Welsh’s Content Operating System (digital product landing page) 

Landing page example from Justin Welsh
Image courtesy of Justin Welsh. Click to see a bigger version.

Justin Welsh is a marketing influencer who’s primarily known for his newsletter and LinkedIn content. All of his marketing efforts funnel readers to a few digital products, one of which is The Content Operating System, a digital download that aims to provide you with tips, tools, and templates to create compelling content for growing an audience on LinkedIn. 

If his product landing page for the Content Operating System is any indication of what’s in the course, then that course is probably well worth the price tag of $150. From top to bottom the page sports an eye-catching design punctuated by big headlines, 5-star reviews, and shades of blue that create a cohesive look and feel. 

What stands out above all else is the absurd amount of social proof. There are user reviews all over this page, including endlessly scrolling columns of reviews in the header! This is a bold design we haven’t seen anywhere else, and it works. 

Why we love it: 

  • Reviews, reviews, reviews—this page is positively drowning in social proof, even video reviews 
  • Hard stats: With this product “17,000+ students have generated over 9.2 Billion impressions”
  • Clear and non-hyperbolic outline of what you’ll learn 
  • Long FAQ section to answer additional questions 

Dialpad (SaaS product landing page)

Landing page example from Dialpad
Image courtesy of Dialpad. Click to see a bigger version.

Dialpad is a SaaS platform that provides a range of tools and features under different packages. At its heart, Dialpad is contact center software that provides all-in-one services like VoIP and a CRM. Beyond these basics, Dialpad’s big focus is on using AI to streamline the work of call centers and sales teams with things like automated call summaries, real-time AI-powered call coaching, and more. 

The landing page is stuffed with content and callouts of different Dialpad features, making it abundantly clear that Dialpad itself is stuffed with innovative AI-powered features. It’s a smart way to showcase the sheer amount of tools available to teams that decide to leverage the platform. 

Why we love it: 

  • Clean layout and straightforward tone balances well with the overload of info 
  • Short video provides a quick overview of the product and its use cases 
  • High-quality screenshots show the product in action 

Juno (free product trial landing page) 

Landing page example from Juno
Image courtesy of Juno. Click to see a bigger version.

Juno is a mattress-in-a-box company that, like all of its major competitors, offers an extensive sleep trial period. You can buy a mattress, get it shipped to your home, open it, and sleep on it for up to 120 nights before deciding whether you want to keep it or not. If you don’t like it for any reason, you can get a full refund. 

Most (if not all) mattress-in-a-box companies offer a sleep trial. It’s a logical way to allay fears someone might have about buying a mattress without trying it first, and encourage them to give it a shot. 

However, a few things set Juno’s landing page apart: For starters, they have an entire landing page dedicated to their sleep trial offer, while most competitors only mention it briefly on product pages. 

Additionally, Juno’s page is incredibly simple, mostly amounting to a step-by-step breakdown of how the sleep trial works and what to do if you want to get a refund later on. If you’re on the fence about a mattress-in-a-box and you’re skeptical about sleep trials (or think the return process will be too complicated) this page will put all your worries to, well, bed. 

Why we love it: 

  • Super simple design puts the focus on the messaging 
  • Reassuring voice and tone make it clear the process is simple and uncomplicated 
  • Single CTA at the bottom of the page encourages readers to try the trial now (by buying a mattress) 

Calm (health product landing page) 

Landing page example from Calm
Image courtesy of Calm. Click to see a bigger version.

Calm is a well known mobile app that offers tools and tips to help you destress, sleep better, and be more mindful. If you haven’t tried the app, it can be hard to understand what exactly any of that means. For instance, what the heck are sleep stories? And why do I need an app to tell me when to breathe? Meditation? I’ve always heard it’s really hard to do well—how on Earth is a simple little app on my phone going to help? 

What’s so great about Calm’s site is how effectively it weaves in little previews of the product. On their Stress & Anxiety product landing page, for example, you’ll find a live breathing exercise similar to what’s in the app, as well as free samples of in-app content for a variety of topics. This essentially lets you give the app a trial run without having to download it or create an account. 

Why we love it: 

  • Free samples of in-app content let you try before you buy 
  • Includes an FAQ section that answers stress and anxiety questions—not just product questions 
  • Social proof shows how real people are using the app  

iPhone 15 Pro (coming soon product landing page) 

Landing page example from Apple
Image courtesy of Apple. Click to see a bigger version.

Ok listen now, don’t roll your eyes. We know Apple already gets a lot of attention for its marketing, especially from marketers. But sometimes the results are hard to argue with. The pre-order product landing page for the iPhone 15 Pro is a classic example. 

From top to bottom visitors are treated to mesmerizing visuals, from close-up product shots to videos to interactive elements, as well as examples of photos and videos taken with the iPhone 15 Pro’s camera. Sprinkled in for good measure is Apple’s signature voice and tone with cool headlines like “A camera that captures your wildest imagination.” 

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Why we love it: 

  • Pages like this set the bar for what excellence looks like
  • Visuals and copy work seamlessly together to tell a product story
  • The content of the page is focused on showing what iPhone 15 Pro can do, rather than telling

That’s a wrap—now it’s your turn

Now that you’ve seen some grade-A examples, and had a runthrough of the ins and outs of creating product landing pages that sell, you’re all set to put everything you’ve learned together and try it for yourself.

Remember, all good product landing pages include a handful of the same elements. Start with a headline that turns heads and copy that’s as engaging as it is informative. All of the visuals on your page—from photos to videos to graphics—should be high-quality, eye-catching, and help tell your product’s story.

Sprinkle in some compelling (and authentic!) social proof to nudge visitors even closer to conversion. And include a CTA that you’ve tested and refined until you’re confident it’s as effective as it can possibly be.

Happy building!

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