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How to Use Your Landing Page to Increase Brand Awareness

You know how they say, “You can’t become a household name overnight?”

That saying’s especially true with brands. Before your product or service can become a go-to for your customers, they’ve got to know who you are in the first place—and that process takes time.

As you push to get people talking about your brand, an awareness-focused landing page will help you reach your goal.

Let’s learn more about brand awareness and four ways to boost it with your landing page.

What is Brand Awareness?

Brand awareness is the level of familiarity that customers have with your brand. 

Boosting brand awareness is a major part of brand building for businesses and one of the most important goals in modern marketing. In HubSpot’s State of Marketing 2021 report, marketers named brand awareness their third overall priority and most common objective in marketing campaigns.

When you have a new brand, building brand awareness is a must-have for your marketing strategy. Three out of four customers say they have a higher chance of trusting a brand they know than an unknown brand. And you need that trust for your brand to get a solid foundation in your industry.

4 Ways to Optimize Your Landing Page for Brand Awareness

Thinking of building a brand awareness page? Try these four tactics.

1. Share your story

Brand awareness-focused landing pages aim to teach new customers about your brand. They’re the perfect spot to share your company’s story and what it’s all about. You’ll give your brand a human face early on that’ll help people remember you in the future.

One of the easiest ways to tell your brand’s story is to share info from your team’s perspective. Try adding a note from your founder—depending on your industry’s ideal landing page length, you might want to keep it quick, though. You could also use pictures of your product and team to show what’s happening at your brand and improve your landing page imagery.

Landing pages also give you the chance to tell your story from another perspective—your customers’. Social proof like testimonials and social media posts show that you have real customers willing to spread the word about your brand.

If you use testimonials in a brand awareness landing page, share a few details about your customers that humanize them. Check out how Memberstack’s testimonials include the writer’s position to make them feel more real and add authority:

Image courtesy of Memberstack

2. Don’t go for the sale

Not all landing pages should try to sell something to the customers—especially brand awareness landing pages. It’s one of the most common landing page mistakes for marketers to go for a sale on every page and wonder why customers run away.

Your brand awareness pages should target people at the top of your conversion funnel. These customers don’t know much about your brand yet, so they’ll get really confused if you shove your product on them right away.

Throughout your landing page content, practice copywriting that works well with top-of-funnel customers. Stay away from jargon and keep on top of your keyword-targeting game to draw in new customers.

Then, finish your landing page with a low-commitment CTA. Instead of asking for a purchase, try sharing a free resource to download.

Check out how this brand awareness landing page by Shoelace focuses on sharing a free deck on a topic relevant to their customers:

Image courtesy of Shoelace

Top-of-funnel customers can get familiar with Shoelace and start thinking of them as an authority when they download the deck. No hard sales pitches here—Shoelace’s customers are just getting to know them.

3. Offer a hub of information

Brand awareness landing pages are often a customer’s first look at your brand. Why not use this intro as a chance to show them the resources you have to offer?

Try making a brand awareness landing page that shares info through:

If you’re trying to raise awareness about a cause-related non-profit organization, you can also offer resources related to that cause. WAGGGS and UNICEF’s landing page for U-Report, an app for girls to share their opinions about the world, includes empowering resources for teachers and advisors:

Image courtesy of WAGGGS and UNICEF

These downloads help adults encourage girls to speak up about what they believe, helping the app team meet their overall goal.

Keep in mind that if you go this route, you should still focus on a primary call to action (CTA). Drive visitors to your main CTA by:

  • Embedding podcasts and other media directly on the page
  • Setting any resource links to open in a new window
  • Making your main CTA button stick out through tactics like contrasting design and repetition

4. Let visitors try out your product

Sometimes, the best intro to your brand is a hands-on experience with your product.

Demo landing pages are a must-have for SaaS brands. In fact, we recommend running one as an evergreen page to keep leads coming in. However, they usually target customers farther down the conversion funnel than typical brand awareness page visitors, so you’ll have to be careful how you design your page and demo.

If you want to share a demo or free trial with top-of-funnel visitors, make it as painless as possible to try your product. Keep any forms as short as possible, and make sure your demo terms are low-commitment. For example, if you require a credit card number for your demo, you might want to stick to middle-of-funnel and bottom-of-funnel customers.

Look how Resource Guru takes a low-pressure approach to their demo landing page:

Image courtesy of Resource Guru

Under the CTA button, you’ll see “No credit card needed, cancel anytime.” Establish that your visitors don’t have to commit hard to see what your product is about.

Stay Consistent to Make Your Brand a Household Name

If you want to boost brand awareness in your landing pages, keep your brand consistent. In other words, use similar language and imagery in all your marketing so visitors know what to associate your brand with. They’ll have an easier time recognizing your brand in the future if they notice the same patterns from before.

The numbers don’t lie: Consistently presenting your brand can increase your revenue by as much as 23%. Who doesn’t like more money?

Style guides, landing page templates, and consistent audience targeting will help you keep your brand consistent throughout your work. Unbounce’s Conversion Intelligence Platform has them all.

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About Josh Gallant
Josh is the SEO Lead at Foundation Marketing where he oversees the creation and execution of search-driven content strategies for B2B brands. He's a self-proclaimed spreadsheet nerd who loves all things SEO, content marketing, and fantasy football (with multiple data-driven titles to his name).
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